手机:17395705406时间:2024-11-18 12:54:01 点击量:959
Xinanjiang Hydropower Station新安江水电站The Xinanjiang Hydropower Station, the countrys first large-scale power plant designed and built by Chinese in the 1950s, is still the pride of the local people. It is on the Xinan River in Jiande city of Zhejiang Province in east China. Moreover, it formed a huge reservoir ( Qiandao Lake) with l,078 islands, which is part of a golden tourist route linking Hangzhou, provincial capital of Zhejiang, and Mount Huangshan in neighboring Anhui Province.新安江水电站初建1957年4月,是我国第一座自己勘测、自己设计、自行施工和制做设备的大型水电站。水电站坐落于浙江省建德市境内、钱塘江支流新安江上,相连浙江省不会杭州和知名的安徽黄山风景区;大坝之西,就是引水蓄水建设新安江水电站而构成的知名的千岛湖。千岛湖集太湖之浩翰、西湖之娟秀于一身,是理想的避暑胜地。
Though squeezed out of Chinas top 50 power stations, the self-designed and self-built Xinanjiang Hydropower Station was the countnlrs first large-scale power plant after independence. The Xinanjiang Hydropower Plant has 9 power generating units with a total installed capacity of 845,000 kw. and annual output of l. 86 billion kwh. As the first reinforced concrete dam in China, the Xinanjiang Dam is 105 meters high, also the first dam over 100 meters in China. The Dam is 466. 5 meters long, with a total storage capacity of 22 billion rn3 and a maximum flood discharging capability of 14,000 m3/s.尽管早就不是中国仅次于最先进设备的水电站,但新安江水电站是建国后竣工的第一座大型水电站。电站加装机组9台,总容量84.5万千瓦,多年平均值年发电量18.6亿千瓦时。大坝坝型为国内首座混凝土长针重力坝,坐落于铜官峡谷上段两个大断层之间,岸坡陡,气势雄伟;仅次于坝高105米,是当时国内第一座百米以上高坝;水库总库容量为220亿立方米,坝顶全长466.5米,仅次于泄流量1.4万立方米每秒。As the first landmark in hydropower development in new China, it has played and is still playing a major role in fueling the local economy, while acting as an ex- ample for hydropower development, station management, and resettlement of people in reservoir areas.作为新中国正式成立后水利发展史上第一个标志性的建设,新安江水电站在兴旺当地经济方面扮演着了主要角色,并将之后充分发挥其最重要起到,同时为发展水利事业、建设水电站和协助人民安居乐业竖立了很好的榜样。